Sunday, June 10, 2012

My new linuxbox

I am so excited about it I just had to write something to tell the world or who ever reads my blog, why I am so excited. I had this Google linux special adition O.S. installed on my emachine desktop. I had been told that it was a 200 gb HD which it is just it only had 10 gigs left for me the new user which I paid 75 bux for it was a steal even with the work of formating the hard drive and at some point in time buy a fan it is not a bad deal. I just am glad it is mine and can do with it as I please!

Well,some time down the road & a few installations later i still like my desktop but, without internet it makes my excitment that once was fizzle to zilch. Everyone tells me  upgrade get a new one but, in the past losing my other desktop that took 5 mpnths to pay for makes me slow my decision on dumping it for the new.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Twitter Ignorant!!

Blogseed - Find me on

I want to understand it but, don't. I like book tv and read up on the new authors and when they air on tv. I wish I had a smart phone I can,t afford it!!You might wonder what the heck that has to do with twitter? I know if you are "in the know" you get updates from your social networks on your phone and also from your favorite blogs (and yours)to keep you in the know. Because of my limited funds situation makes it all the more difficult to keep tabs on the things that matter. These things may not urgent like a 911 call but, I like being current on all things of my interest. Call me a net/computer/blogging addict if you want I call it a fascination with all things interesting (me related). I wish I were connected.